General Dentistry

Myths and Facts About Bridges

4 Fascinating Myths and Facts About Bridges, Implants, and Crowns

Get the care you need when you need it. The best time to address tooth pain or tooth decay is today. Not only will you prevent bigger problems down the road (not to mention the related expenses), but you’ll be free from pain and anxiety.  Sometimes, harmful or humorous myths and facts about bridges implants,…
Facts about Crowns

10 Surprising Facts about Crowns

The dental crown is potentially one of the most popular treatments in restorative dentistry. Aiming to improve the function and, at times, the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, crowns can be a long-lasting, effective solution against damage and decay.  But do you know everything there is to know about this common restorative treatment? Here are…
Why People Avoid the Dentist

3 Biggest Factors That Prevent People From Getting the Dental Care They Need

Why People Avoid the Dentist We all know that a visit to the dentist should happen once every six months. This helps keep our teeth in check, allowing the opportunity for routine professional cleaning and the prevention of potential oral health complications in the future. However, statistics released by the American Dental Association (ADA) show…

5 Reasons To See Your Dentist Today

Many people only see their dentist twice each year, and there is nothing inherently wrong with this schedule. However, if you’re encountering problems or have concerns, you should see the team at Monroe Family Dentistry right away. So, what are good, specific reasons for a dental visit? Here is a list of 5 excellent reasons…
How to maintain excellent oral health

9 Oral Health Tips You Need Right Now

Oral Health Care On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your and your family’s oral health care? Excellent? Okay? Could be better?  Did you know oral health isn’t only about your mouth, but your overall well-being? Studies show that there is a link between gum disease and serious conditions including strokes,…